Your Family Playbook: eBook

We have since updated this ebook. Check out the new page for more details: The Family Playbook If you can't believe how quickly an entire year can slip by, or if you feel like you're not making progress with your individual, marriage, family or financial goals, this is for you. Your Family Playbook is here to help!

Your Family Playbook from kelsey williams on Vimeo

"As facilitators for nine Financial Peace University classes we have seen dozens of couples make dramatic improvements in their lives. We have seen hundreds more muddle through the course while they continue to flounder financially, socially and spiritually. The successful couples seek wise counsel, implement a sound plan and find the discipline to follow their plan. The plan must be in writing, be respectful of each partner’s goals and result in mutual agreement on the final plan. You can find what you need to get started on a new and rewarding lifestyle in “Your Family Playbook” by Eric and Kelsey Williams. Do it today!"

--Bob and Debbie Conroy

Our yearly family meeting is essential to our success in marriage and unity as a family. When Eric birthed the vision for this annual tradition, there weren't resources available to help us get started. With each year, our meetings get more productive. It has evolved into a great asset for our family and we look forward to it every year.

We fully believe that two hours of intentional  family planning can change the course of your entire year, and we want to share what we've learned. So we created this practical 16-page workbook to help you and your family do the following 4 things:

  1. Set goals
  2. Reconnect
  3. Refocus
  4. Prepare for the coming year.




The 16-page workbook contains:

  • Meeting introduction and overview
  • Key insights for a successful meeting
  • Agenda
  • 10 workbook pages with useful forms

Your Family PlaybookYour Family Playbook AgendaYour Family Playbook Budget WorksheetYour Family Playbook Actions

Feel free to review my 2012 goals and Eric's Life Plan, which were just a couple takeaways of our 2012 annual meeting. For me personally, the meetings allow me to dream, refocus and reconsider the way I spend my time. It also gives Eric and I a chance to discuss our marriage and financial goals for the year, and plan ahead for big events.

2011 was a really successful year for us. 2012 will surely be even better. We are on a good track. We are on the same page. And we want to help you and your family do the same!

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