Kelsey's Goals for 2012

I know Eric is usually the one who sets intentional goals, but I wrote some for myself this year as well. At our family meeting a couple weeks ago I couldn't help but realize how much progress we made in 2011. I've heard that you overestimate what you can get done in a day but underestimate what you can get done in a year. I think that's very true for me. 2011 was a big year for us: growing our blogs, growing our family, taking multiple trips, making new friends, getting serious with our life group and continuing to use our money wisely. For fun, let's look at how I did on my last year's goals (which I haven't shared publicly till now).

Kelsey's Goals for 2011

  • Redesign Snappy Casual. This was completed in March 2011, much earlier than I expected. Almost a year later I'm happy to say that I still love my branding.
  • Hang out with people who are better, smarter and cooler than me. I am constantly amazed at how many brilliant young adults there are in our city, and we've met many of them through our church and have been blessed to get to know them better. Last year I also reconnected with a high school friend and we made some cool things happen together on the Interwebs--including the bullet point above. (I'm not officially checking this one off as completed because for me this goal specifically included having dinner with Justin and Kerry Wise, which sadly still hasn't happened! If either of you are reading, let's do it before our babies come!)

For 2012 I've made spiritual, mental, physical and social/relational goals. It's quite ambitious...considering I'll become a mom very soon and have no idea how that will affect me. But I think that's partly why I wanted to make these personal goals--so I don't lose sight of myself.

Kelsey's Goals for 2012

  • Read through the First Steps Bible reading plan on Youversion. In becoming members at our church, we agree to spend daily quiet time with God. This is going really well so far, considering my failed attempts the past two years. I haven't missed a day yet.
  • Lose all the pregnancy weight. Hopefully this can be checked off by Eric's 10-year high school reunion in early July (my 10-year reunion is a week later).
  • Purge our house and keep it clutter-free. I was really embarrassed when we came home after Christmas and had so much stuff to put away. Last weekend we started by purging our basement. It felt so good! We want to downsize after we sell our house, so this is something we will need to do on a continual basis.
  • Invest hardcore in a friendship. I've seen some great things happen as a result of Eric meeting one-on-one almost weekly with our friend Justin, and I want what they have. Any takers? :)
  • Find joy in the kitchen. Which will be harder for me than it sounds.

Update: Check out Eric's 2012 goals.