Women of Faith Recap // Christine Caine
I've heard Christine Caine speak before, at the Global Leadership Summit this year and a couple years ago. She is awesome. Very bold and energetic.
The Australian accent doesn't hurt, either.
My notes:
- We often bring our hurts from yesterday into today, because we can't let go. By not moving on, we say, "Jesus, what you did was not enough."
- We don't step into the fullness of God because we say we'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. We must do it today.
- Christine's testimony is so amazing. She found out at age 30 that she is adopted. She was sexually abused by four different men at a very young age. She was the only person from her high school class to go to college and now she fights to end human trafficking.
- When the facts of the Bible are more powerful and real to us than our emotions - that's when we've got it right. Although she felt unwanted when she found out she was adopted, she chose to believe God that she was fearfully and wonderfully made, on purpose. We all are. Use His Word to fight and be set free and rise up.
One of the coolest things for me about the conference was that all the speakers came out after the opening song and introduced themselves, and then sat in the front row. During the worship I could hardly take my eyes off Christine. It is so cool to see someone who loves God so much and believes in His Word. I am a believer, but I have doubts every now and then.