Women of Faith Recap // Ann Voskamp

Ann Voskamp was one of the speakers I was most looking forward to. I know who she is because my friend recently gave me her book, One Thousand Gifts. She's a Canadian farmer's wife, mother of six and best-selling author. Can you imagine?  

Here's what I took in:
  • SLOW DOWN. Life is not an emergency.
  • A friend once dared her to write down 1,000 gifts. She did it, and is still doing it. She's currently in the 4,000s. She's now passing on that dare to us - to write down 1,000 ways God loves us. It will change your life when you give thanks to God.
  • Ann shared a few stories from other women who have done the same thing. A woman from the slums of Bangladesh did it and proves there is no where on this earth where you can't find 1,000 gifts from God.
  • I am amazed at her simple yet full and beautiful life. She raises chickens, dries her laundry on a line outside, and homeschools her six children.