31 Things I'm Grateful for in October

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  1. A free hand-me-down Halloween costume for Rooney. She's trick-or-treating at my office tomorrow!
  2. A beautiful night for a walk to the park.
  3. A new pizza place within biking distance of our house.
  4. A great well-child checkup for Roo.
  5. A handwritten letter from my grandpa that I will cherish forever.
  6. Loved ones who show interest in my interests.
  7. Seven years of marriage to my true love.
  8. Hearing silence from the back seat during car rides.
  9. Organic honey crisp apples for (finally) showing up at our grocery store.
  10. Being recommended and accepted as a new contributor for Des Moines Moms Blog.
  11. A husband who keeps our lawn looking nice.
  12. A blueberry muffin mix that is quite delicious.
  13. Education on essential oils.
  14. A night of worship and prayer to renew myself.
  15. Waterbabies class at our local YMCA.
  16. My study Bible.
  17. My friend getting to take her baby home from the NICU.
  18. Free trees from our neighbor.
  19. A quick meet-up with friends (they delivered Ikea goods to us!).
  20. A spiritual conversation with family.
  21. A husband who holds my hair back when I get sick.
  22. Amazing family photos.
  23. Room-darkening shades.
  24. Cute new socks!
  25. Agreeing on TV shows with Eric.
  26. Beautiful knitted stockings made just for us.
  27. Last-minute babysitters.
  28. Friends who are super fun and like things we like: blogging, bikes, tacos, cupcakes and Jesus.
  29. A surprise "Boo" package from a secret neighbor.
  30. A double-date with friends we don't get to see often enough.
  31. The opportunity to take my brother to his chemo treatment.