30 Things I'm Grateful for in November

I can't believe I've already logged 334 things I'm grateful for in 2013. It has been such a great part of my year and helps me focus on the positive things in my life. photo (11)

30 Things I'm Grateful for in November

  1. My new gold iPhone 5S!
  2. A night of worship and renewal just for moms at our church.
  3. Essential oils.
  4. Being halfway done with Christmas shopping (and they're all wrapped)!
  5. A beautiful Christmas tree that warms our house.
  6. FaceTime-ing with my mom on Wednesdays.
  7. A handy husband.
  8. A father-in-law who spent an entire weekend working on our basement.
  9. A husband who pursues me.
  10. Play dates with other moms.
  11. A fireplace.
  12. Getting our Christmas cards out early.
  13. Local "for sale" groups on Facebook.
  14. Bacon.
  15. A splendid 65-degree day and not needing a coat.
  16. A friend who scraped the ice off my windshield when I discovered I didn't have an ice scraper in my van.
  17. Thanksgiving feast at Rooney's day care.
  18. Grace when I make mistakes at work.
  19. Clementines.
  20. Sales.
  21. A delicious Thanksgiving meal with family at our church.
  22. Pajama day at day care.
  23. A safe delivery and healthy baby girl for our Life Group friends.
  24. A pretty new planner.
  25. Positive news regarding my brother's cancer.
  26. Great customer service.
  27. Gifts of cupcakes.
  28. A healthy child.
  29. God's provision.
  30. Awesome coworkers.
More Thankfulness