Weekend Update: Thank You and Sponsorships

As the community here at Words of Williams continues to grow, we want to take this time to thank you, our readers. We appreciate all of you. If you have only been here once, or if you are a daily reader, thanks! We're learning a lot through these first couple of months of heavy-duty blogging and are really trying to listen to your wants and needs and write content that you want to read. Of course, we will continue to write posts where we simply share what's going on in our lives, but we are so stinking excited about the success we have seen thus far. God is good.

We've discovered that blogging is so much fun, but it also takes up a tremendous amount of our time. Time we hope might turn into a small source of income. Our goal isn't to make a million dollars, but our goal is also to not lose money while we blog, either. We simply want to create a self-sufficient hobby. We have found a cool company called Beacon Ads that brings faith-based websites together with faith-based advertisers. So, in the near future you may see some advertising spots in our sidebar. They may be empty for a while, but we hope that they fill quickly. If you are interested in sponsoring us, check out our Beacon Ads page.

You may have also noticed the button for Snappy Casual on the right, along with some other buttons. I thought this would be a good time to tell you that we use Wordpress as our blogging platform, and we purchased the Standard Theme to help us with the design. It's touted as the "best coded Wordpress theme," and the button to the right is our affiliate link. If you are getting started in blogging and are looking for a theme, check it out. If you decide to purchase through the affiliate link, we will get a kick back, which is nice.

If you want to click-through any of the ads that happen to pop up on our page as time goes by, feel free to check them out. If not, no big deal.

We just wanted to be open and honest with our readers as things change. We didn't want to sneak some advertising on here and have you think we were trying to sell you something through subliminal messages. That would not be very nice of us!

Have a great evening, peeps!!