The Love

When I met Eric, I didn't know how much I would love him. I had no idea he was the love of my life, the man I would marry or that he would become the most important person to me on this earth.

(It actually took him months to convince me to date him.)

It was a gradual process...a feeling of love that grew in my heart from a tiny seed of doubt into a deep, deep love.

A love that I choose now even when I don't feel it.

When they laid Rooney on my chest, I knew I would love her. I had nine months to prepare my heart, to dream about her. To imagine what it would be like to have her on my chest.

But the love-feeling was not instantaneous. I chose to love her because she is my child, but it's not something I felt right away. I fall more in love with her every day.

Eric is my best friend and I love him more now than I ever have.

I love that we made her together.

And to see the man of my dreams fall in love with our little heart can hardly handle it.