Rooney Jane: Day 4 update

I just wanted to post a quick update to let you all know that Rooney is doing great. She loves being home! She lost 9% of her weight in the first 24 hours which was rough on everyone. There was a breaking point Saturday afternoon where all 3 of us were crying and not knowing what to do to calm down the flood of emotions that had come over us. Since then, with encouragement from family and friends, we turned a corner and things started to get better.

I'd love to tell you all that we have done since getting home, but it's all a blur.

She had her first Dr. appointment this morning to check on her weight and she is back up to 8 pounds which makes us very proud. They said she is doing great!!

This afternoon we took a few newborn shots and hope to take more over the coming days amidst the chaos.

Keep up with our updates on Twitter (Kelsey // Eric) and/or Instagram (Kelsey // Eric) for up-to-the-minute photos. It might take us awhile to settle into a regular blogging routine again.

newborn photos Words of Williams

newborn photo Words of Williams