One Year From Today

Isn't it amazing how much can happen in a year?

Do you ever wonder where you'll be one year from today? Where you'll live, where you'll work, how you will have changed?

Will the things you're hoping for right now will have come to fruition?

The end of a calendar year typically causes us to reflect, and the beginning of a new year causes us to look ahead. But the back-to-school season has always been one of my favorites, and even though I've long left school, it still energizes me to this day.

One year from today, I want to be in a different place than I am right now.

That's why we are so intentional with our lives, our decisions, our goals.

In one year from today, I pray that we are:

  • Happier in our work situations (perhaps working part-time or from home).
  • Not addicted to sugar.
  • Living more active lives - like riding our bikes to the grocery store instead of driving.
  • Holding our chiropractic adjustments and placing health as a priority.
  • Confident in the decisions we make for our daughter and not accepting that it "has to be this way" (sending her to full-time day care, etc.)
  • Feeling ready to try for another baby(???)

I don't think that simply putting these thoughts out into the universe will make them happen, but writing them down, continuing to hustle every single day, refusing to settle, seeking His will and asking God for His blessings just might.

What do you want to do in the next year?