On Turning 30

30kelsey30 Today is my 30th birthday! Eric and I both took the day off work and we're going to spend it together (Rooney is going to day care) - we're going out for breakfast to a new-to-us bakery, hitting up some shops, seeing a movie in the theater, having an afternoon treat, and then picking Rooney up from day care and going out to dinner as a family. It is sure to be a great day!

I've looked forward to this --- my GOLDEN birthday --- for years! I always said I'd go to Vegas for it, but honestly, I'm not sure I would have much fun out there. Eric and I went to Minneapolis a couple weekends ago to celebrate with our friends Joa and Andy and had a really good time (short recap of that here). Then, this past weekend, my parents came down to hang out with us (and watch Rooney while we attended a wedding).

Since my birthday is the last day of September, I always like to celebrate the entire month, and Eric surprised me this year with my very own website to count down the 30 days! There was a message from one of my family/friends each day when I woke up, which was such a joy for me! I'm so lucky at age 30 to have a wonderful husband, a sweet and sassy daughter, a beautiful home, a job I love, and strong support from family and friends.

The Past 10 Years

When I was 20, I moved 2.5 hours from my parents for college (farthest ever). When I was 21, I left the continent for the first time on a two-week trip to Scandinavia (Eric was on the same trip). When I was 22, I graduated college and landed my first full-time job. When I was 23, I got married and we bought a house. When I was 24, I went skydiving. When I was 25, we took Financial Peace University and started our debt-free journey. When I was 26, I started blogging. When I was 27, I got pregnant. When I was 28, I became a mom. When I was 29, I got a new job that is more fulfilling.

In the past 10 years, there's been so much change. So much growth. Case in point: Eric went to a BBQ with his Bible study guys a couple weeks ago, and when he came home I was listening to a sermon online by Jen Hatmaker. He told me he was proud of me and that three years ago I would have been watching The Hills instead. :) I can't only imagine the same amount of growth and change in the next 10 years.

I have to admit I am slightly scared to enter these next 10 years. I'm afraid of the things that come with getting older. Losing grandparents. Hearing that friends and family members are ill. But I can't dwell on those things, because surely there will be lots of joy as well.

Here's what I want to do in the next 10 years:

  • Have another baby / finish having babies.
  • Travel twice with the whole family on an adventure.
  • Travel once with Eric on a true vacation - possibly somewhere tropical.
  • Visit the Better Homes and Gardens Test Garden (it's in our own city, yet I've never been!).
  • Take Rooney to ride the Heritage Carousel.
  • Nurture my friendships with faithful women.
  • Pay off our mortgage.
  • Improve my dental habits and have zero cavities.
  • Be healthier overall.
  • Continue to embrace the gifts God gave me.

Let's do this, 30!

P.S. This made me laugh :)


Bottom photo credit: Someecards