Our JCPenney Finds

On maternity leave, my favorite part of the day was 4 p.m. when Eric came home and Ellen came on. Love. that. show.

Did you know Ellen used to work at JCPenney? She would give away gift card after gift card to deserving families, and I thought...does anyone actually shop at JCPenney anymore?

I always forget that JCP has a Home store in Des Moines. A few weeks ago, we all loaded up in the minivan to check it out with a $50 gift card c/o JCP in hand.

Here's what we found!

I wanted this lamp, but Eric said we didn't have anywhere to put it.

He wanted some new patterned sheets, but I want to redecorate our entire bedroom and had no idea if the sheets will fit in with the new design.

We considered the Baby Bullet, but we weren't sure how much we'd use it.

So. Thirty minutes later we finally agree on this:

Our friends have a Nostalgia air popcorn popper and I think it is just delicious. It doesn't use oil, so it's healthier than some poppers. This one is small but makes 8 cups of popcorn so it is plenty for two people to share. We like to salt it and pour over melted butter! Yum!

We had some money left so we also got this. I love using serving trays when we have people over and I've wanted some simple white dishes for a while now. I also have a soft spot for wood/bamboo, so I got pretty excited when I saw this. Our friends were visiting over the Fourth of July and we got to try it out with our BBQ spread!

Have you scored any good finds lately?