Hey Monday, When Did You Get Here?

OK, so, we don't have a real post for today. Our weekend was filled with an Olympic date night slumber party in our living room that actually lasted until this morning. We have yet to move our mattress back into our bedroom. But, it helped Rooney get a little adventurous:

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And I spent 6+ hours painting on Saturday, under and around scaffolding in our stairway. We've been putting the final touches of paint in our main living area in preparation for someone's special golden birthday this coming weekend. We powered through though, unfortunately not leaving enough time for blogging.

We've got a seemingly endless list of things to do around the house to get ready for this weekend. We'll be sure to provide a recap of the party and its details next week (maybe).

For now, in case you missed it, check out our basement project's wiring progress at The Rockstar Ranch.

What were you up to this weekend?

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