A Golden Birthday Party

photo 10 Rooney is 2! (I realize this is old news, but I'm still getting used to it.) We had such a great party last weekend. She especially loved the treats and opening gifts and hanging out with her cousins.

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Tassel banner from The Flair Exchange; napkins from Mara Mi for Target

I'm not sure if I should admit this, but I've been planning this party for a long time. Like maybe six months? And by that I mean, I picked the theme last summer and have been gathering and pinning ideas since then. It was a no brainer when I realized she would be turning two on the 2nd. This is called a golden birthday and is very popular in the Midwest, so I went with golds and yellows for the decorations. Two months before her party, I started buying stuff, and that's when it really came together.

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It snowed the morning of her party, so not everyone was able to make it, but we still had a lot of family here, and all of her cousins made it. Which is awesome, because I swear they are her favorite people in the entire universe.


We took that same cousin photo last year and I can't believe how much of a BABY she was!


Cardboard letters from Hobby Lobby, spray painted gold; cupcakes from Scratch Cupcakery


Cupcake topper from Lisa Leonard; cupcake stand from H&M


Sparkler candle from Nobbies (local party store)


Gold balloons were a gift from the sweet Jesse Coulter; yellow balloons from JCPenney Home

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Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time and energy and money into a birthday party for a kid who will not remember it. Is it for the blog or Pinterest? Am I trying to impress my friends or family? Honestly, I don't think so. I think it's because her birthday feels a little bit like it's my birthday too. My giving-birth day. It's a big day for all of us, and I want to celebrate big and make that sweet little girl feel extra special.

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antlers by The Festive Fox (no longer available); mess made by me


***See Rooney's party over at Disney Baby and the party invitations here