Book Giveaway: Chasing God

Chasing God book I've written about Angie Smith once before (after I saw her at Women of Faith a year and a half ago), which is how I'm assuming her PR team found our blog and contacted me to do this giveaway. She was my favorite speaker I've ever seen at Women of Faith.

I love Angie's story. She's had lots of ups and downs, from marrying the man of her dreams (lead singer of Selah), suffering a miscarriage, birthing identical twins, losing a baby a few hours after she was born, etc. She's got four beautiful daughters here on earth and they're such a lovely family.

I follow Angie on Twitter so I can continue to be inspired by her on a daily basis. Because I want to know not just what she would say when she gets up in front of thousands of people to speak, but what she would say/how she would react while watching the Olympics or when she gets stuck in a snowstorm on the interstate or when her flight gets delayed or when she runs into homeschooling problems. She's real, and I love that she's a Christian sister I can look to.

Anyway, Angie's got lots of books out there, and her most recent is called Chasing God.

I love how the book opens with this:

One can hardly deny the appeal of a good chase.

It's beautiful in concept: we seek after that which eludes us, longing for something just out of reach. Anticipation builds as our hearts beat faster, wondering if we are about to turn the final corner and catch the object of our affection.

Our minds are wild with possibility and we're intoxicated by the anticipation.

To be honest, when I first read this, I immediately thought about my consumerism problem that I've been trying to combat lately. I haven't bought any clothes for myself since sometime in December (you can read more about that here, here and here if you're interested). I'm planning to go another month (90+ days by the end of it) but I have realized that most of what I enjoy about buying things is the chase. The hunt. The wanting, finding, buying. And then...those things are nice to have, but the thirst is not quenched. There is something else I want.

So I totally agree with Angie that there's appeal in a good chase. In the book, she goes on to write about how she once relied more on man's explanation of God than God himself, and how it felt like she was chasing God instead of following God.

It's good stuff, and I'd love to give a book away to one lucky reader! Just enter below using the Rafflecopter widget: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

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