An Answered Prayer

We've been praying for more than a year for a new job for Eric. He likes the company he works for, but doesn't feel like his strengths and passions are being used as best as they could. We know God is better at authoring our lives than we could ever be, but at times it is hard to not ask Why is this taking so long? Have you forgotten about us? Are we not asking the right way? Do you care about the details of our lives?

It can get very weary to continue to pray the same thing, over and over, for an entire year. At times we were hopeful, at times we were frustrated, at times we just wanted to ignore the problem.

I'm not sure if it made it harder or easier, but we really had very few leads...few opportunities that seemed promising or exciting...very little to get our hopes up for.

But today, he starts a new job!!!

He's still at the same company (the one I used to work at, too), but is switching departments and his new title is Web Account Manager. The position came open a couple weeks ago, so he interviewed for it one week ago today and they offered him the job the same day!

          Fun fact: I actually used to have the same job, and really liked it!

Although he's wanted to go a different direction in his career for more than a year, I think having a Rooney made it seem even more urgent. We certainly don't want to spend time away from family doing things we don't enjoy! I think it's crazy (and awesome) that Eric and I both got new jobs in Roo's first year of life!

Good luck, Ric, on your new job! I'm so proud of you!


Have you been praying for something for a long time? Can we pray for you?